About me

Who am I?

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I am Beatrice but friends like to call me Bea, Bee, or just B. I'm a current BA Hons Media, Journalism & Publishing student at Oxford Brookes University. I also work as a copywriter at Oxylabs.io.

What am I passionate about?

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In a nutshell, I'm just passionate about life. And things life has to offer – experiences, opportunities, interesting people, new places, environments, food, and, of course, hobbies like writing, painting, or ceramics. Yes, you guessed it – it seems like I've ants in my pants and can't manage to rest at least for a minute. And, honestly, it's true.

Where am I from?

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LIThuania (sorry, felt the pressure to write it in this way)! And if you've never heard of Lithuania before, don't sweat! And let me shortly introduce it to you. Lithuania is one of the three Baltic states and lies on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. Interesting fact – geographically, it's also the central point of Europe. Lithuania is known as a country of forests, and I think that's one of the reasons why I enjoy nature so much.

Why have I created this blog?

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I love writing and I enjoy sharing my ideas with others. So, I needed a platform to do that. If you're also interested in typography, I'm pretty sure it's the place for you!